dream big
Posted on October 10 2016
these past five years have been a heck of a ride and brother + cofounder alex torrey has some even bigger dreams when it comes to the future of umano. we decided to take some time to peek into alex’s head to see where he thinks this rollercoaster rocketship is headed. hope you dig it, ‘cause we sure do!
one of our big dreams is an experiential art + retail space aka umano creative space. the idea behind our umano storefront would be to exist to serve the community as a creative space for kids and function as a retail space for our brand products + clothing.
check it out! we’re thinkin’ it would look a little something like this...
in our creative space, local kid Artists, local creatives + shoppers could experience our mission firsthand. we dream of our space existing as a safe haven for all who want to unleash their creativity. this room would be a fun, active, engaging class-room like environment available to all stuff starters.
our mission has always come first. so naturally, our retail shop would be found beyond our creative space in a second room. we envision the showroom to be high-tech and interactive for our customers. we want our shopper experience to be engaging, where shoppers can swipe screens + tablets to view various tee designs and engage with a backpack tracker to show you where the backpack full of art supplies you provided with your purchase is going to go!
umano creative space would solely function to meet the needs of the local community. you can help us make this dream come true with your continued support.
keep the awesome up, #umanounion. you’re killin it.