tis the season of thankfulness
Posted on November 09 2015
thank you, jimmy fallon, for changing the way we view “thank you” notes forever. including the awesome notes we received from the kids at DREAM charter, our partner school in nyc, that we had the privilege of giving backpacks to this summer.
preserving the integrity of each kid’s drawing is just as important as keeping the integrity of what they write so we’ve pulled a couple of our favorite quotes from their thank you notes and kept them in their original form because they are absolutely perfect like that.
from one of our very own Artists, Jackie, who drew #THEBROOKLYN

“I been begging for a notebook and now I have 2.” –Aianna
“ it’s incredible (yes she spelled it right) how you show kid desighn’s on your shirts.” -Adriana
“thank you so much for visiting our school and chosing kids to disine for yout company.” -Brigitte
“thank you for the lovely, cool, wonderful bags.” -Denaje
“I rellay rellay rellay love my backpack.” -Emma
“my family loves art and when they heard about the gift, they said that it was an amazing gift for doing more practice art!” -Nyah

this is why we do what we do.
for more great quotes from the kids we’ve gotten a chance to visit check out our hashtag on twitter #umanothankyounotes.
they’re gold.