taste test
Posted on May 31 2016

we’re lucky to live in a world where the options are endless. it allows us be creative, get weird and to do things we never thought possible. it also means life can throw some difficult questions at us. fortunately, when it comes to comfort foods we know our favorites!
Summer16 is all about playing hard and indulging in the best treats around, so we asked our new squad of rockstar interns tasty questions about their favorite treats!

read on to meet our new summer squad (+ get reacquainted with some old favorites).
sweet or salty?
the werd (sm specialist): sweet
rad ranger (web developer consultant): savory
chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla?
ez-v (sm coordinator): strawberry… I know it’s weird. judge me.
cambam (director of e-commerce): chocolate, for sure
hamburgers or hotdogs?
skelly-ton (screen printer): veggie burgers
ryder dye (site merch specialist): hot dawgs
ice cream or popsicles?
miss molly (brand manager): popsicles
kelso (stylist): ice cream… it’s just so much creamier…
whipped cream or hot fudge?
b-durrrty (sm copywriter): hot fudge
griddlz (photographer): WHIP
pepperoni or cheese?
c-lo (director of technology): pepperoni
ellebell (pr coordinator): definitely cheese. pepperoni tastes like bologna.
cookies or cupcakes?
rager (dot com analyst): cupcakes
bloglee (blogger): donuts lol
pepsi or coke?
p.o.p. (senior digital coordinator): coke… and whoever says pepsi is fired
thin or stuffed crust?
traderjoe (sm visual coordinator): thin. in my mind it’s healthier even though it’s probably not.
mx2 (graphic designer): stuffed
waffles or pancakes?
slim-cedes (senior photographer): waffles are more fun to eat. i like the texture.
s-squared (graphic designer): pancakes
beer or wine?
at (ceo + creative director): ipa or red only… but depends